Friday, December 31, 2010


my own sweet son.  time for his first year photos already!--and guess what, taking photos of a busy one-year-old isn't easy! for these shots, you can picture his daddy over my shoulder making goofy faces and noises so that we could get him to smile in my direction.  we really got our exercise--by the time we were finished with these we were both out of breath! he really put mommy to work :)
lucky for us it was in the 40s in rapid city so we took advantage of the warm weather as much as we could.  it did get a little chilly in some spots, so instead of shooting in an open meadow, which was the original plan, we decided to take shelter by a closed swimming pool!
oh this is the look  :)
i had to include this next photo, we fondly refer to this as the sumo squat :)  he will hold this little position for long periods of time--it all depends on how interesting the object is, in this case, wood chips were pretty darn interesting i guess
a few from the art alley downtown, we didn't have much to work with  since the rest of the place was like a skating rink! but henry did have fun running up and down a little cement path by the graffitied walls
 oh how i l-o-v-e this child more than words can say :)

peace, love, and happy photography!
AND happy first birthday to my baby boy, mommy loves you!


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