Monday, November 1, 2010

brooke, riley & sadie

met with these cute girlios on another chilly saturday morning!  i looooove that they wore bright colors!  not everyone has to match for photos!  they do have a plaid theme i guess :)  how fun!  we took a quick tour of downtown flandreau and then headed to the city park.  
huddled close.....i'm sure its just because they love each other so much and has really nothing to do with the fact that they were chilly :)
single shots in the park.  raise your hand if you think these photos are way more fun than school pictures......
AND i could not let them get away without throwing a few leaves (quickly becoming one of my fav photo "poses" for this fall)    :)   hehe, i love the different expressions
back to the downtown scene....i guess i went a little out of order :)
and the following photo definitely needed to be included, although i think i went a little overboard with this post...sadie had no problem with "smiling pretty for the camera" as long as she was allowed to do a few wacky ones ;)

peace, love, and happy photography!



  1. you did such a good job! can't wait to see them all.... kelly rae

  2. I work with these young ladies mom and do some photograghing too, so she gave me your website. These are absolutely amazing shots! Your website is beautiful! Love your whole outlook on photo's, simple and natural!!!!
    Cris Knott
